Reconstruct's new Issue Management Tool is a powerful and versatile feature that has been re-built from the ground up to support BCF standards and integrate with Oracle Aconex to enable users to document design and construction issues directly from Reconstruct powerful 2D/3D viewers. This innovative solution offers a streamlined approach to managing construction issues and multisite projects, improving communication, collaboration, and decision-making throughout the project lifecycle.
Issue Management (IM) in Reconstruct is fully integrated with Oracle Aconex. In order to use IM you need to have an Oracle Aconex account and an Aconex project to connect with your Reconstruct project. First you need to connect your Aconex account to your Reconstruct account (as a user) then connect a project from Aconex to your Reconstruct project by following the instructions here.
Most users in Aconex will be able to view issues in a project and edit any issues they have created. However, for someone to have the ability to edit/update issues created by others they must be given "Model Coordination Administrator" permission in Aconex. Reconstruct relies on Aconex permissions and user roles for IM access. If a user has access in Aconex, they will have access in Reconstruct.
Design and construction issues can be accessed in Reconstruct in two places; the issue manager page and the issue management panel in the 3D/2D/image viewer. Both interfaces connect directly to the Aconex database and will read and update your issues in Aconex directly. Reconstruct does not keep a version of the issues on its servers, this way there is only one source of truth for all project issues in Aconex.
Issue Manager
Users can access the standalone issue manager by clicking on the navigation drop-down menu at the top left-hand corner of the screen (next to Reconstruct logo) and selecting "Issue Manager".
Issue Management Panel in the Viewer
Users can also create/edit/update issues in all Reconstruct viewers by clicking on the "Issue Manager Toggle" in the toolbar at the top of the screen.
Reconstruct supports all BCF issue management capabilities supported by Oracle Aconex and adds to them the unique ability to access, create, edit, and update issues in Reconstruct revolutionary viewers. Most of the workflows mentioned below are supported in both the standalone issue manager and the issue management panel in Reconstruct viewers.
Creating New Issue
Users can create new issues by clicking on the "New Issue" button on the top right corner of the page/panel.
Editing Existing Issue
Clicking on an issue will show the issue details box where users (with necessary permissions) can edit and update all issue details and leave comments.
Sorting Issues
Users can sort issues in the issue manager by clicking on the title of any available columns. Clicking on the title again will reverse the order of the sort.
In the viewer panel, users can click on the sorting button and select any sorting method.
Filtering Issues
Clicking on the filter button will provide users with several options to filter through issues based on many fields such as created by, assigned to, due date, creation date, etc.
Grouping Issues
Users can also group issues based on priority, status, or type.
Searching Issues
Users can use keywords or ID numbers to search for issues. Any terms users input in the search field will be compared against the title, descriptions, and ID fields.
Bulk Editing
Users can edit multiple issues at the same time by selecting all issues they want to edit, and then adjusting the values for all of them at once.
If you don't have the necessary permissions to perform a bulk edit, a message will appear informing you that the process has failed due to permission issues.
Forbidden Actions
Users cannot delete anything related to issues in Reconstruct. This is a constraint from Oracle Aconex implementation. Deletion of issues, viewpoints, comments, etc. is not supported.
Users also need to have the appropriate permissions in Aconex to be able to create/edit issues in Reconstruct. Reconstruct relies on Aconex permissions and user roles for issue management.
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