There are a total of 5 BIM visualization modes in Reconstruct: full BIM, plan, trade locations, state of progress, and at-risk locations. BIM elements are color-coded according to their link with schedule tasks, and these colors can be altered in the BIM visualization settings.
Full BIM Visualization Mode
This visualization mode shows all BIM models in the project with their original model colors. If you have multiple models active, all the elements in each model will show. This is the default visualization mode for the viewer.
Plan Visualization Mode
In this visualization mode, the viewer only displays the BIM elements that have been linked to schedule items and are color-coded as the following:
- Elements linked to schedule tasks that are completed are in the default BIM colors.
- Elements linked to schedule tasks that are currently in progress are color-coded in the color of their construction phase. The default coloring for the construction phase is green for construction, red for demolition, and yellow for temporary.
- Elements linked to schedule tasks that have not yet started are in grey.
Trade Locations Visualization Mode
In this visualization mode, the viewer only displays the BIM elements with trade information that have been linked to schedule tasks. The elements are color-coded based on the trade information in the linked tasks.
State of Progress Visualization Mode
In this visualization mode, the viewer only displays BIM elements that have been linked to schedule items, and are color-coded as the following:
- Elements linked to schedule tasks that have been completed are in the default BIM colors.
- Elements linked to schedule tasks that have been delayed are color-coded in red. Elements linked to schedule tasks that are on-time are color-coded in green.
- Elements linked to schedule tasks that still have no reported actual start date after the planned end date are color-coded in blue.
- Elements linked to schedule tasks that have not yet started are hidden from the viewer.
- This mode also supports a more granular version of progress states, including:
- Started On-Time: started on or before planned start
- Started Late: started after planned start but before planned finish
- Has Not Started: planned start date passed but the planned finish did not; the task was not reported as started yet
- Delayed: the progress in the task does not match linear distribution, or we are past the planned finish date and the task is not completed
- Critical Delay: a critical task is delayed
- Unreported: the actual start date was not reported.
At-Risk Locations Visualization Mode
This visualization mode color-codes BIM elements that have been linked to schedule tasks and are at risk of being delayed.
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