Remember and implement these best practices to get the highest quality images and reconstructed reality model from 360 camera captures.
Lighting: Try to capture during the day and in spaces with good lighting.
Walking Pace: Maintain a slow, steady pace for a crisp, accurate capture.
Walls: Walk 3-6ft away from walls.
Coverage: Spend adequate time in all spaces for a full model. Don't skip rooms.
Corners and Doorways: Walk extra slowly so the camera can adjust to light variances.
Circumnavigate Objects: Walk completely around objects and overlap your capture path to avoid blind spots in your model. | ||
Redundancy: Plan lots of overlap in your capture path and circumnavigate all objects.
Ceilings: If you have tall ceilings and wish to produce a high-quality ceiling 2D map, then plan an additional pass with your camera 3-6 ft from the ceiling. |
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