Pins are the main Reconstruct tool for reporting issues, inspecting elements, and pinning conversations and documents to a specific location.
Creating Pins
To access the Pins tool, navigate to the viewer as described in Accessing the Viewer. Once in the viewer click on the "Toggle Pins" icon in the menu bar as shown below. Click on the button "Create Pin" in the pin dashboard and place the pin on an image, point cloud, or BIM model. Label the pin to save it.
Deleting Pins
To delete a pin, select the pin and right-click on any white space within the pin's description box or the physical pin in the viewer and click "Delete Pin".
Adding Text Comments
Select the pin and click the down arrow next to "Messages" to expand the message box. Adding text comments functions like instant messaging. Type your comment in the text box and press the ENTER key on your keyboard to send the comment. The date and time of the comment will appear above the text bubble once the comment is delivered.
Adding Screenshots
To add a screenshot to the pin, click the camera icon on the right of the text box. Click once for a full screenshot, click and drag for a cropped screenshot. You can then choose to retake the screenshot or save it. If you change your mind, click "Cancel" on the screenshot instruction box to exit the screenshot tool.
Adding PDF Documents
To add a PDF document to the pin, click the upload icon on the right of the text box. Select the PDF file and click "Open" to save the document to the pin.
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