To upload external point clouds to Reconstruct, you need to access the Point Clouds tab in the Data Manager, then do the following:
Click on the "Upload Point Cloud" button on the top right-hand side of the screen, select the files from your local drive, and click "Open".
You can also drag and drop the your point cloud files to the center of the screen.
Once you upload the external point clouds, the "Upload Activity" icon at the top of the screen will expand to show you the progress of the uploaded files. Once the upload is complete, and the progress bar reaches 100%, a new point cloud will show in the list of point clouds. This new point cloud will have the status of "External Converting" until it is translated and ready for use in Reconstruct. Once it is ready for use, it will show the status as "External Processed".
Reconstruct supports several formats of external point clouds.
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