Our schedule pane has a wide variety of different filter types for each one of your action needs. This greatly helps to focus on the information that is relevant for you, as well as helping you find specific activities of your interest.
While on the Gantt Chart view (default), you can access the different types of filters by clicking on the filter button at the of the schedule pane. This will open a floating pane on the right-hand side of the schedule pane as shown below:
The different filters include Date range, Organizations, 4D links, Critical path, Progress status, & Schedule Granularity as shown below.
Date Range
When clicking on this filter, a calendar view shows up that allows you to select two date thresholds for which you want to view the activities. Additional buttons are displayed on the right-hand side of the calendar view that trigger different default date ranges.
For viewing only the activities that have been assigned to a specific subcontractor/organization, use the Organizations filter, and select the Organization you are interested in.
4D links
If you wish to specifically focus on those activities that have (or not) any links to your models (4D), you may filter for all activities that have been used for the 4D creation, filter for a specific set of activities according to the selected elements on your model, or filter by those activities that have no links to any of the elements in your model:
Critical path
You may want to focus on activities that are either on your Critical path or not. To filter by those, simply click on the options provided that reflect your needs.
Progress status
An excellent approach to focus on those activities that have fallen behind schedule due to either not being started on time (indicating this through the Reporter App) or not following progress as planned (progress not reported through the Reporter App), is by using the Progress Status filter. This allows you to select between activities on schedule or delayed:
Schedule Granularity
Reconstruct allows the team to filter the schedule items by specific work packages defined by look-ahead tasks, or to view the entire master schedule without weekly work plan details. This proves to be very helpful when wanting to focus on specific weekly tasks, or when doing an overview of the entire master schedule:
To learn more on how to create Look-ahead tasks, see our section on Master Schedule Activities & WWP Look-Ahead Tasks.
Using a combination of all the above-mentioned filters allows your team to manage information very easily and efficiently across your project.
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