You can connect your Procore project with the appropriate Reconstruct project to be able to import files from Procore Documents into the Reconstruct Data Manager.
To do so, you need valid login for your Procore project as well as to your Reconstruct project. Please make sure that you have the appropriate access rights for the data in Procore Documents. Either, you have to be admin for the Documents folder or Standard user.
In Reconstruct, you need to be either Administrator or Power User for the project. The integration can be established following these steps:
- Reconstruct integration app. Navigate to the Procore Marketplace ( and look for the Reconstruct app (
- Install. To enable an integration between Procore and Reconstruct, install this app by clicking on Install in the upper right corner on the Reconstruct app page.
Once installed, you can now connect your accounts and projects following these steps:
- Connect your accounts. In Reconstruct, navigate to Edit User Profile that you access through the dropdown associated with your username in the upper right corner.
- Click on the "Connect my account to Procore" button.
- Login. Provide your Procore username and password.
You will be directed back to the main page (Project Home) in Reconstruct. Your Procore account is now connected to your Reconstruct account.
Next, you have to connect your Reconstruct project to your Procore project:
- On the main Reconstruct page (Project home), select to access the Edit Project Info for the project that you wish to connect to your Procore project.
- Select project. On the bottom left of your Edit Project dialog, you will see an option to Connect integration projects. Open the drop down and select the appropriate project.
- Confirm your selection by clicking on Save on the Edit Project dialog.
Your Procore project is now connected to your Reconstruct project.
In the Reconstruct Data Manager, you can now access all the files associated to the Procore project for which you have appropriate access rights.
You can access the list of files by clicking on the Procore logo on the lower left Integrations section of the Reconstruct Data Manager.
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