Uploading and downloading files is a fundamental part of reality capture technology, and it's essential to have a reliable and easy-to-use system for managing your data. That's why our mobile application includes an intuitive and user-friendly upload & download log that tracks the progress of your data transfers in real time, and ensures that your files are properly organized and labeled. We understand that time is of the essence, and we've designed our upload and download log to be efficient and hassle-free, so you can focus on capturing and processing your reality data with confidence
- Upload & Download Breakdown
- Accessing the Upload & Download Log
- Accessing the Upload Details Screen
- Pausing and restarting an Upload
- Enabling Uploads & Downloads only on WiFi
- Troubleshooting
- Tips and Best Practices
- Upload & Download Breakdown
- Accessing the Upload & Download Log
- Access the Upload & Download Log by clicking the Cloud Icon in the top left corner of the project page.
- Accessing the Upload Details Screen
- Access the Upload Details Screen by tapping on the upload.
- Return to the Upload Log by tapping on the Back icon in the top left corner.
- Pausing and Restarting an Upload
- Pause an upload by tapping the Pause button on the upload details screen.
- Resume an upload by tapping on the Resume button on the upload details screen.
- Enabling Uploads & Downloads only on WiFi
- To enable WiFi only Uploads & Downloads first navigate to the settings page by selecting the hamburger menu in the top right corner of the project page.
- Once the hamburger menu is opened, select settings.
- On the settings page use the top two toggles to enable Uploads and/or Downloads to occur only when connected to a WiFi network.
- When the “Upload Captures On WiFi” toggle is on, the uploads will be listed as Pending in the upload log. Start pending uploads by swiping down on the Upload Log. Uploads will only begin if the device is connected to a WiFi network.
- Troubleshooting
- If an error is detected during the transfer or upload process, the Upload Log Icon in the top left corner of the project screen will have a red error badge.
- To retry an upload that has experienced an error, navigate to the Upload log and tap on the capture to go to the capture details screen
- On the upload details screen select Retry to retry the upload
- IMPORTANT NOTE: If “Transfer Error” is present on the upload details screen then please first reconnect to the camera used to take the capture before selecting Retry.
- To retry a download with an error, first navigate to the download side of the download log by selecting the download tab at the top of the Upload Log page.
- Retry a download with an error by swiping right on the download
- Tips and Best Practices
- Limit captures to 20 minutes or less. Lengthy captures produce larger files that require more time to upload and to process.
- Upload captures on strong and reliable cellular connections and WiFi networks. If you are capturing an area that does not have a reliable cellular network or a strong WiFi connection then consider enabling “WiFi Only” uploads on the settings page.
- Leaving your device on with the capture app open while files are uploading can increase the upload speed.
- When taking multiple captures, ensure the previous capture has completed transferring from the camera before starting a subsequent capture. Captures that are actively transferring are listed as “Transferring” in the Upload log. Captures listed as Pending, Paused, or Uploading have completed transferring from the camera.
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