Image positions allow the users to capture and view the progress on the 2D drawings through high resolution 360 images in an easy and quick process. It provides an alternative to Video Capture when details are required in certain locations. The process is shown as below:
1. Select the sheet for the capture.
2. Click on "Image Positions"
3. To add image positions, click on the button "Add image positions"
4. Place the pin at the desire position and click on "ADD NEW IMAGE POSITION(S)"
5. You can add multiple image positions, and click on save once all the positions are added.
6. To add/view the Image positions, simply click on the image positions. Image positions with images attached shows the number of images next to the position.
7. You can add images by clicking on "Capture" and view images by clicking on "View Images".
8. The images are sorted chronologically to easily view the progress.
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