Discover how to process drone images and create 3D reality models (Point Clouds) in Reconstruct with this comprehensive guide. Learn to upload images, set up processing options, and manage your point clouds effectively.
Step 1: Access the Images Tab
Navigate to the Images tab in the Data Manager to view your uploaded images.
Step 2: Access the Images Tab
Upload your drone images to Reconstruct by clicking on the "Upload" button in the upper right corner of the Images tab. Images can also be uploaded by dragging and dropping them onto the web page from the user's File Explorer.
Step 3: Select Images for Point Cloud
Choose the images you want to include in the point cloud by clicking on the corresponding checkboxes next to the image thumbnails. Use the filter, search, sort, and/or group features to easily locate the desired images. You can also create point clouds directly during the upload process.
Step 4: Initiate Point Cloud Processing
Click on the "Process point cloud" button at the top right-hand side of the screen to access the point cloud processing box.
Step 5: Configure Point Cloud Processing Options
In the point cloud processing box, view the estimated processing time and change the point cloud name (if needed) by clicking on the name and entering a new one. You can also view the number of images, their date range, and the camera models used to capture them. You can manually change the location of the point cloud or add it to additional locations from the selection. Otherwise, it will copy the locations from the point cloud selected as a reference.
Select an existing point cloud for automatic alignment by clicking on the drop-down menu and choosing the desired point cloud. The system will use the selected point cloud as a reference when attempting to align it. Import a ground control point (GCP) file by clicking on the "Choose File" button and uploading the file. Finally, choose to receive an email notification when the point cloud is completed by checking the "Notify me by email" box.
Step 6: Begin Processing
After setting up the appropriate options, click on "Process". You will see another box displaying the expected processing time.
Step 7: Monitor Point Cloud Progress
Go to the Point Clouds tab in the Data Manager. The new point cloud will be visible with the status "Initializing 1/3". And after it is done completing, it will say “Point Cloud Available”
Step 8: Manage Completed Point Clouds
Once the point cloud is completed, you can activate/deactivate it by clicking on the toggle switch next to the point cloud. Download the point cloud by clicking on the "Download" button in the point cloud's row. View the ortho photo by clicking on the "Ortho Photo" button in the point cloud's row. Delete the point cloud by clicking on the trash bin icon in the point cloud's row.
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