Use a combination of mouse and keyboard gestures and on-screen tools to orbit, pan, zoom, zoom all, and return to the home view in the 3D viewer.
Left-click and drag to orbit the view around models. The location clicked before dragging becomes the center of the orbit. For example, if you click a corner of the point cloud, this corner will become the center of the orbit, meaning it will keep its location on the screen while you drag your mouse to view different angles of the point cloud.
To pan, do either of the following: 1) right-click and drag, 2) drag with the mouse's center wheel, or 3) hold the SHIFT key on your keyboard, left-click, and drag.
To zoom in and out, scroll with the mouse's center wheel. If you don't have access to a mouse with a center wheel, zoom by dragging two fingers forward and backward on your laptop touchpad.
Zoom All
Double click anywhere in the viewer to quickly zoom-to-fit all models in the view.
Go to Home View
Click on the home icon at the top-right side of the screen to return to the home view.
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