New interface with a new look
Our interface has a fresh new look! Finding your favorite tools is now easier, with a better placement for each, a brand new look, giving you an improved Reconstruct experience.
Separate 3D, 2D and Image View environments
Reconstruct enables users to manage their projects in three different views. 3D, 2D, and Image View.
3D view: This is Basically the same 3D default view in the previous Interface. You have access to the Navigation Cube and all different types of movement. In this view, your control panel gives you access to Reality (previously 3D point cloud), Cameras (previously frustum) and BIM.
2D view: This is the newly introduced yet most simple orthographic view in Reconstruct. You may use this view in cases that you want to compare a drawing with either Reality (newly introduced reality for 2D environment) or 360 images (under Camera). In this view, you have access to Reality, Cameras, and drawings in your control panel. In this view, the user is only allowed to move in directions parallel to the plane (left click and hold) and zoom in and out. To learn more about our new 2D Viewer, see our section on Navigation in 2D Viewer
Image View: Image view only enabled when at least one image-based generated point-cloud exists a specific location. By clicking on Image view, the viewer will jump into the nearest camera position and load the image taken from that spot. In this view, your control panel includes Reality, Images, and BIM.
Manage and change your location
When using the 3D view, created locations can be found at the top-left corner of the screen. Using the dropdown menu, you can select the location of your interest to display only the point clouds and BIM sections relevant to that specific location. In addition, create new locations, or adjust the location boundaries that displays that portion of your BIM model.
Navmap for easy navigation of PDF and Point clouds
A minimap, a.k.a. The Navmap has been added to the main viewer. This minimap allows you to have an orthophoto view of your entire point cloud.
For 360 point cloud, the Navmap shows the automatically created layout, as well as the capture path which can be clicked on for instant access to that image’s position. If an aligned drawing has been provided for a selected location, these aligned drawings will display here as well.
Navmap displaying 360 point clouds Navmap displaying Orthophoto and drone point cloud
For drone point clouds, the Navmap will display a google map experience, showing an orthoimage of the site which is automatically aligned using the GPS information from the images. Similar to the 360 point cloud’s Navmap, image positions will be displayed for easy navigation to each corner of your project.
Perform alignments for Point Clouds and Drawings
The alignment tool is now accessible through the control panel. Three main actions can be performed with the alignment tool: 1) align Point Clouds to BIM, 2) align Drawings to Point Clouds, and 3) align Drawings to BIM.
Point cloud to BIM alignment: This is the original alignment process that was being done in previous versions. Alignment tool can be toggled in two ways while in 3D View; by hitting the three dots button in the BIM section or from Reality in the control panel. To revisit the details on how to execute point cloud to BIM alignments, see our section on Alignments.
Drawing to Point cloud alignment: In case there is no BIM available for your project, you can still benefit from reality capture in the new Reconstruct. Aligning the 2D drawing to the captured point cloud can be accessed by clicking three dots either in Reality or Drawing while in 2D View and having a specific location selected. To learn more about this process, see our section on Align 2D Drawings to Reality Orthophotos
Drawing to BIM: When giving the system an aligned Point Cloud to a BIM model, and an aligned Drawing to a Point Cloud, it partially aligns that BIM model and the aligned Drawings in the X & Y coordinates. The new platform enables you to give height to the aligned coordinates of your Drawing (Z coordinate), allowing you to view your drawings in 3D together with your BIM model and available point clouds.
Navigation and BIM tools grouped separately
Your tools are now grouped together and are always visible, depending on their category. Locations, View mode, Navigation, Measurement/Annotation, and BIM buttons have been grouped according to their element.
New way to activate your Schedule
Pull up your project schedule anytime using the new dedicated schedule button, This allows you to have your project schedule always accessible, even if you hide the control panel. Find more details about schedules on our sections on everything about Schedules
Navigate from image to image using Donuts
Reconstruct now uses donuts to represent the 3D location of nearby 360 images while inside the image view. This allows easy navigation between 360 images, improving the understanding of where to move next without exiting the image view.
New point cloud nomenclature on the timeline
A new visual way of representing “when” on your timeline you have either a drone point cloud, a 360 point cloud, or both. To learn more about this, see our section on Point Cloud Timeline.
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